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Ball Lightning: An unexplained phenomenon described as electrical, luminous, spherical or orb shaped objects with diameters varying from pea-sized to several meters.

Banishment: The expulsion of a ghost, spirit, demon, thought to be possessing or haunting a human or location. Also known as an exorcism. 

Bagunk: A local legend of a bogeyman who haunts a small coal mining town in Glen Lyon Pennsylvania

Bastardized: To take away the character or quaility of a practice or belief. To debase the quality or character or a higher praise

Beelzebubian: A modern day satanist having an evil or devilish intention.  Engulfed by the powers and interests of the Satan.

Black: Used to describe evil, dark or negative energy, aura or a practice. frequently associated with death, evil, witches and magic.

Blasphemy: Showing no respect, contempt or lack of reverence for God, to religion or holy persons

Black Magick:  Spells or supernatural powers cast generally by a Sorcerer for evil and selfish purpose.

Book of Enoch: The first book dedicates much of the book focuses on the attention to the fall of the Watchers

The Second Book of Enoch: Addresses the Watchers who are in fifth heaven where the fall took place

Third Book of Enoch: Gives attention to the unfallen Watchers

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