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Damned: Condemned by God to suffer eternal punishment.

Deathbed Phenomena: Paranormal experiences that occur both to people who are dying and to those who are with them when they die or who are emotionally close to them but not in the same place when the death occurs

Debunk: To explain or expose sometime you origionally thought to be of significance or value.

Deity: A supernatural being, who may be thought of as holy, divine, or sacred

Dematerialisation: is a unusual or paranormal fading and/or disappearance of an object. 

Demon: Evil spirits of traditional belief typically regarded as evil supernatural or Fallen Angels. Demons the minions of Satan. 

Picture of a female Demon. Also see Succubus

Deliverence: The action of being rescued or set free. To cast out demons.

Demonologist: A person who has Primary Research in the field of Demonology and has a calling from God to serve in his ministry. 

Demonologist is laity and are not ordained and should not perform the Sacred Ritual of Exorcism.


1. Primary research is actual field cases!

2. Secondary Researchers are people who read books and then tell you what they read. They are NOT Demonologists.

Demonology: The specialized study of evil spirits and demons.

Demonic Possession:  The spirit possession of an individual by a malevolent preternatural being. Descriptions of demonic possessions include memory loss, multi-personalities, convulsions, anger fits, fainting. Other descriptions access to hidden knowledge gnosis and foreign languages xenoglossia, drastic changes in vocal intonation and facial structure, the sudden appearance of injuries scratches, bite marks or lesions, and superhuman strength. Unlike in channeling, the subject has no control over the possessing entity and so it will persist until forced to leave the victim, mostly through a exorcism

The Bible of Demonology and Witchcraft


Demonic Collusion: Has been described as knowingly or unknowingly being a help to the powers of darkness. And Willingly & unwillingly submitting to their influence.

Diabolical Mark (A.K.A. The Devil's Mark):  A 

permanent marking of the skin by the Devil or via The Devils Servants symbolizing their obedience and service to him. The mark is believed to be made by raking claws across their flesh, or by making a blue or red brand. 

Diabolus: The personification of evil (The Devil) 

and the enemy of mankind and God.

Direct Voice Phenomenon (DVP): A spirit voice, spoken directly to sitters at a séance. The sound usually seems to come from a point near the medium but not from the mouth of the medium.

Divination: The act of acquiring information via paranormal means, such as paranormal sessions, via tarot cards, palmistry, Ouija Board

Divine Law: Any command or law that comes directly from the will of God. 

Dogma: A principle or principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true it cannot be changed or discarded without affecting the very system's paradigm, or the ideology itself.

Dream Incubation: A practiced technique of placing a thought or idea in the mind in hopes for a specific vision or dream to occur. This was a way of either recreation or the attempt to solve a problem.

DTD Box: A piece of  equipment used in paranormal investigations. It works with the Ovilus Box and could be described as a small digital display that converts the spoken words into digital text. This is very helpful as sometimes the words that the Ovilus 'says' may be hard to understand

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