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Radiant Energy: The energy of electromagnetic waves

Rebuke: Showing complete disapproval or criticism of someone because of their behavior 

Residual Haunting: Energy absorbed by inanimate objects or past personal possessions that could be inserted in the

form of a physical manifestation 

result in a residual haunting.

Remote viewing: The practice of seeking impressions or information on a distant or unseen target using extrasensory perception (ESP). The topic of remote viewing has been described as pseudoscience

Renunciation: The act of relinquishing, abandoning, or sacrificing something, as a right, title, religion or a God. 

This picture is showing a ritual being performed

Reincarnation: A belief that the human soul transcends death and is reborn into a new physical body. This is repeated through many lifetimes.

Ritual: Religious ceremony or a spell consisting of a series of actions performed to achieve a result associated with cults and religions 

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