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Walk-In: When a spirit enters somebodies body when they're about to die.

Warlock: The male version of a witch. Warlocks practice witchcraft spells and rituals in accordance to white and black Craft.

Watcher: Watchers are those who are awake.  Chaldean, "guard" or "watcher" The term relates to biblicalangels. Watcher or Watchers occurs in The Book of Daniel  where reference is made to their holiness. The apocryphal Books of Enoch refer to both good and bad Watchers, with a primary focus on the rebellious ones

White Magick:  Magick Spells or supernatural powers cast generally by Wiccians for good and selfless purposes

Wiccan: Entering into this religion is as simple as choosing to practice the craft. By practicing the Craft Wiccans become spiritually heightened and have a strong personal empowerment. Wiccans tend to pick ritual names when practicing the Craft. The name they pick symbolizes their rebirth as a witch.

Witchboard: A slang term given to the Ouija Board. See Ouija Board for futher explaination.   

Witchcraft: A religion practicing rituals to honor and worship Gods and Goddesses. The use of invocation and spellcasting are projected in such rituals toward a target, object, God or Goddess. this practice happenens in both white and black magic

Witching Hour: Paranormalists slang for the time of night when paranormal happenings are most active is 3 a.m. also 3 is the number or sign of the trinity

Witches’ Mark: A mark that indicated that an individual is a witch.

Witches' Teat: A raised mark on a witches body that resembles a wart. Possible sign of a Witches' Mark

Wraith: The exact likeness of a living person seen in the form of an apparition just before death.  (Early 16th century Scottish Term)

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